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Prayer and Patience

Dan Cooper

Finally... walls are going UP!

Earlier this year, our plans were approved by the City of Midlothian, we passed Planning and Zoning, and then the Mayor and City Council voted in favor. That all took TIME. But visible progress is now being made.

After overcoming all the “red tape", we experienced six weeks of steady rain (unusually high for Texas springtime). Each bit of progress pressed us to prayer and patience. Just the right window would open in the weather, long enough to accomplish the next necessary step, and we’d have to "pray through” for the next thing. We’ve certainly kept our prayer team very busy!

When it came time for the foundation repairs and framing, we needed more than a few hours without rain: we needed DAYS. So we prayed some more (thanks again, prayer team!). I am grateful to God to say that from that first day of needed dry weather, we have not had more than a few drops of precipitation.

A few days ago it poured in Cedar Hill, Mansfield, Venus—all surrounding communities—and even south of us in Midlothian, but the Lord kept the rain away from our property. He is indeed GOOD!

Meanwhile, people are returning to live services! We continue to livestream for those who cannot, but it’s so good to worship in person again.

We had a Missions Emphasis Week in May that turned into Missions Emphasis Month. We realized that missions is a big part of our DNA, so why not? It’s part of God’s. Ruthanne Garlock reminded us that God had only one Son and He was sent as a missionary to Earth.

After cancelling two trips to Mexico in 2020, we had a team of twelve return to Rio Bravo over Memorial Day weekend. We witnessed God touch many lives, and we were touched by the hearts of the Mexican people as well.

Speaking of cancelling events—pretty much a way of life in 2020—summer camp is being re-instated this summer, too. The youth will gather at Ascend Camp in Dallas and there’s a special day for the whole family on Saturday the 26th of June.

We’ve been back to the Dallas International Street Church a few times, reaching out to those who have no permanent homes. We bring God’s love, a hot meal, and encouragement to Pastor Karen, along with her amazing team.

So, 2021 is bringing signs of life and growth, albeit slowly. God is building His church, and the “gates (counsel and purposes) of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18).

Our physical walls may be going up, but the “living stones” (1 Peter 2:5) which God said would make up His temple are also being arranged by His Holy Spirit.

We believe that the walls, both physical and spiritual, will overflow with God’s Presence and shine His glory throughout the world.

It’s getting closer to completion, and will be accomplished with more prayer, and much more patience.

- Pastor Dan

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